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Welcome to our philosophy blog, where we strive to make philosophy truly recreational. Here, we aim to connect you to sources where philosophical concepts and inquiries are explained in the most essential, concise, and simple terms. This will be a site for any sort of philosophical passion, whether it is focused on metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, or aesthetics (and so on so forth...). Whether you're a seasoned philosopher or simply curious about the wonders of philosophical thinking, this blog is a space to indulge in joys like contemplating life's mysteries and unraveling the enigmatic nature of being a human. 

Scroll down to learn about the blog!

We hope to truly introduce recreational philosophy to more people, so please feel free to reach out to us via our contact form if there are any topics you are interested in that have not been covered. 

We are proud to have organized seminars, discussions, and connected more than 150 philosophy students from more than nine countries. 

Image by K


Get to Know Us

The establishment of rPlaceUniverse is rooted in our vision to bridge the gap between academic philosophy and everyday life. In high school, we start to care about ultimate concerns but are often very confused. It is also during this transformative phase that feelings of meaninglessness and powerlessness can easily take hold. When one of our co-leaders was writing a paper on Nihilism, she encountered a compelling argument that emphasized the disconnect between the world of daily personal experiences and the realms of science knowledge. The latter emphasizes objectivism, which hopes to denote everything to sets of quantifiable measurements, while the former is far more subjective. We also sense the same discrepancy happening between philosophical knowledge and daily experiences: the former is deducted logic, while the latter in the teens age might be chaotic but insightful sentiments. This dissonance often gives rise to a sense of meaninglessness, directionlessness, and inauthenticity, especially for the students, who often feel that knowledge seems detached from the everyday lives. 


Get to Know Us (more)

To address this issue, we strive to uncover the accessible, recreational, and constructive aspects of philosophy. In our seminars, we encourage peers integrating personal experiences with philosophy, and thus build a bridge between the philosophical and the experiential. We also emphasize thoughtful ideas that draw upon personal encounters, creating meaningful connections rather than paraphrasing or simply “studying” the works of Heidegger, Kant, Nietzsche, Plato, and others. Our goal is to generate authenticity from such connections that elevate everydayness that transcend the confines of nihilism, breathing life into philosophy and empowering teenagers to rediscover authenticity and value in our everyday experience. 


Meet the Leadership!!!!!

We are a couple of high school students interested in philosophy. We hope to make philosophy fun and less distant as it has been made to us through various means. 

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