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  • Writer's pictureLi Da

A continued rant on logical positivism

As I wrote on my previous blog post, I had a whole metaphysical crisis (metaphysics existential crisis) after reading the arguments of the logical positivists. After some time and consideration, however, I thought of a different argument against positivism in philosophy, which roots in the ability of philosophical ponders to deem scientific theories sound or not. (at least now philosophy's sole existence isn't to clarify conceptual confusions). For instance, physicalism is basically manifested in temporal irreversibility (according to this article right here), which proves the ability of philosophy (our logical brain, guys) to at least establish and partially bolster certain undiscovered truths of our world.

Furthermore, Schrodinger's Cat, the main subject of one of our seminars, in fact, basically uses logic to disprove a scientific interpretation of quantum physics. (SIGN UP FOR THE SEMINAR).

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