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  • Writer's pictureKazel Li

Book Rec: what's the philosophy of a fish --- a bat?

Kazel's NEW BOOK is on Amazon.

A Experimental Collection: Writing Literature as Philosophy and Thinking Philosophy as Literature; Seeking Philosophy and Literature Within Daily Life; And Scrutinizations at the Reality, Postmodern Reflections On Rationality and the Nature of Civilization

"The Philosophy of a Bat" is a bilingual (English and Mandarin) collection by Runxin "Kazel" Li, an author whose postmodern and experimental works have gained over 10k reads and a readers' community on WeChat. This eBook compiles a selection of works that resonate with the spirits of Juis Louis Borges, defying conventional boundaries of genres, mixing fiction with non-fiction, poems with proses, essays with novels, philosophical analysis with literary art. The author believes: reality itself is not monolithic but a sea of hermeneutics about the perceptions and interpretations it offers, so it’s both literary and philosophical; these works are also to unveil the philosophical and transcendental nature of daily experiences, as well as explorations of critical topics — the downside of rationality, Queerness, futurity — using the freedom of philosophical fictions. The works not only challenge the reader's expectations but also expand the potential of literary and philosophical expression to capture the multifaceted nature of human experience.

A bat is a symbol of “dualities” — both a bird and a mammal, gliding between thus bridging the sky and the earth. The simple existence of a bat can illustrate the dissolution of binary oppositions such as literature versus philosophy and fictionality versus reality — how is the reality mundane, when it’s full of signs and symbols like the bats? Each piece in the collection serves a dual purpose: it is both an aesthetic object (literature) and a vessel of analytical thought (philosophy), experimenting the integration of everyday experiences with metaphysical reflections.

The world is experienced directly by this symbiosis — interpenetration of the ordinary with the metaphysical. This collection bravely asserts that philosophy does not reside solely in academic texts but is omnipresent in our daily interactions and narratives, making it a vital, living dialogue that challenges how we conceive reality and our place within it. By blurring these lines, the works encourage a reevaluation of how truth is constructed and understood; literature acts as a conduit for philosophical revelation and existential authenticity.

In this collection, you will find:

Philosophical Fictions: Dive into the post-modern and speculative tales that echo the tradition of Borges and Kafka, where reflections about rationality, the nature of reality, consciousness, and social constructs are not only explored but experienced; explorations of how literature and philosophy have no difference from each other; and join this playground of ideas, where the essence of being and the potentials of cognition are debated, deconstructed, and redefined.

Dystopian and Science Fiction: In the societies and dystopian worlds that reflect our deepest anxieties and highest hopes; inspirations drawn from various political philosophers

Meditations, Poems, Proses: Non-fiction written in response to the Covid Lockdown in Shanghai during the 2022 — meditations on the nature of tyranny and “night-watchman state”; also pieces inspired by real-life encounters—from the homeless to taxi drivers—each story a window into the soul's quiet contemplations and tumultuous wrestlings.

Whether you are a seasoned aficionado of philosophical fiction or a curious explorer of the human condition, this collection offers a gateway to insights and speculative thinkings.

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